Grid Analysis Options
Idiogrid offers a wide array of statistical analyses commonly employed by
personality psychologists,
self-concept researchers, and clinical psychologists, among others. Idiogrid also exports grids to both SAS and SPSS where
additional analyses
can be employed. If a particular analysis is not available in Idiogrid, it can likely be found in one of these
major statistical programs. Idiogrid currently offers the following analyses:
- Entire Grid, Element, and Construct Descriptive Statistics
- Basic descriptive statistics (e.g., means, standard deviations, skew, etc.)
- Scale distributions (histograms)
- Extremity analysis (extent to which participant uses the extreme ends of the rating scales)
- Element and Construct Bivariate Statistics
- Pearson Correlations
- Angles (degrees)
- Euclidean Distances
- City-block Distances
- Proximities for binary grids
- Summary Indices
- Bieri's matching score
- Polar matches for elements
- Landfield's Ordination
- Bannister and Fransella's Intensity
- Analysis of Variance of the entire grid that yields Cronbach's alpha for the constructs and elements
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Performed on original grid data, scale-centered data, standardized grid
data, or Euclidean distances.
- Singular values and scree plot
- Construct and Element singular vectors and loadings
- Extract desired number of components
- Two-dimensional graphical display of results
- Principal Components Analysis
- Performed on the construct correlations or covariances.
- Eigenvalue decomposition and scree plot
- Extract desired number of components
- Communalities
- Structure, Pattern, and Component Score coefficients
- Component scores
- Save component scores as new grid
- Component correlations
- Varimax and Promax rotations
- Two-dimensional graphical display of components
- Multiple Group Components Analysis (Confirmatory Principal Components Analysis)
- Define components with equal or differential weights
- Orthogonal (uncorrelated) and oblique (correlated) principal components solutions
- Eigenvalues and scree plot
- Final communalities
- Structure and Pattern coefficients
- Component correlations
- Component scores
- Save component scores as new grid
- Residual correlation matrix
- Statistics for residual correlation matrix (indices for goodness of fit)
- Generalized Procrustes Analysis (Analyze Multiple Grids)
- Match grids by constructs or elements
- Centered, Dimension, and Isotropic scaling methods available
- Conduct and report ANOVA of grids, including overall consensus
- Print and save consensus grid
- Print and save Procrustes statistics.
- Conduct randomization test for overall consensus proportion
- Slater Analysis (Single Grid)
- Analyze raw or normalized grid
- Principal Components Analysis
- Element and Construct descriptive statistics
- Bias and Variability for rating grids
- Element direction cosines and construct correlations
- Element-Construct direction cosines
- Element Euclidean distances (raw and standardized
- Slater Analysis (Two Grids)
- Descriptive statistics for differences between centered grids
- General degree of correlation between two grids
- Element and Construct descriptive statistics for both grids
- Element and Construct correlations across both grids
- Element and Construct differences across both grids
- Slater Analysis (Multiple Grids)
- General Correlation among element angles
- General Correlation among construct angles
- Correlations between individual grids and average grid
- Display and save average grid
- Self-Identity Plot
- Two-dimensional graphical display of standardized Euclidean distances for any pair of elements
- Compare Two Grids
- Elements Matched
- General correlation between grid elements
- Differences between angular distances
- Construct squared multiple correlations
- Constructs Matched
- General correlation between grid constructs
- Differences between angular distances
- Element squared multiple correlations
- Elements and Constructs Matched
- Display difference grid
- Save difference grid as new grid
- General correlation between grids
- Coordinate Grid Analysis
- Descriptive statistics
- Figure rank-order correlations
- Implicit rankings
- Logical inconsistencies
- Integrative complexity
- Iterate to logical consistency
- Polarity Analysis
- Element emergent proportions (that is, the proportion which the elements
are rated on the emergent poles of the constructs)
- Element pairwise polar matches
- Target element proportions / matches
- Dependency Analysis
- Dispersion of dependency index
- Uncertainty indices
- Uncertainty coefficients
- Implicative Dilemmas
- Identifies and reports implicative dilemmas
- Report dilemmas in a user-friendly sentence form
- Profile Analysis
- Base analysis on Pearson's r, Euclidean distances, City-block distances,
and reflected double-centered Euclidean distances
- Randomization test of significance for chosen metric
- Cluster analysis
- Profile plots (original data and standardized)
- Ranked profile statistics
- Measures of elevation, scatter, and dispersion